About Warren-Alvarado-Oslo:

Warren Alvarado Oslo School District #2176 is located in Warren, MN, which is the county seat for Marshall County.
For access to the area communities, click here.
You will find that each city has a lot to offer including health care, great education, retail, employment and business opportunities,
housing, recreation and services like that of larger communities in a small town setting.
Warren is located thirty miles from Thief River Falls, Crookston and Grand Forks.
- Enrollment steadily increasing
- Two or three classrooms per grade level depending on enrollment
- Student/Teacher radio: 19 to 1
- Classroom Specialist Teachers; Reading Recovery, Math Intervention, Leveled Literacy Intervention, Library, Music & Band, PE & Social Skills
- Extra Curricular activities for elementary students: flag football, wrestling, volleyball, basketball, dance, and other community education offerings
- Band/Instrument lessons during school year; summer for Grades 4-6
- Outstanding district support from WAO Education Foundation
- Technology Integration: Kindergarten is one-to-one iPads, all classrooms have interactive white boards, one-to-one Chromebooks for students in grades 1-12
- Kid's Spot after school program for learning and child care until 6:00pm
- Community connections/events; Book Bingo evening and free summer lunch program for all students made possible by a MN State grant
- FREE Preschool Program
- ECFE Offerings for early learners and families
- 26 college credits offered to high school students
- 98% Graduation Rate
- Active Arts Program and High School Musical
- Band trips every 4 years
- Approximately 70% of high school students in extra curricular activities
- Bi-Annual Community Service Day
- Various Community Education courses and opportunities to share student talents
- State-of-the-Art outdoor athletic complex and track
- FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America)
- FFA (Future Farmers of America)
- High School/Junior High extra-curricular activities: boys and girls basketball, football, track, cross country, volleyball, cheerleading, trap, eSports, girls softball & boys baseball